Happy Anniversary!

I can hardly believe it’s been a whole year!  As was the theme with well-wishers today, in some ways it seems like it was just yesterday and in other ways it seems like so long ago.

For one thing, our mammoth of a baby boy is here with us now…a few days over 5 months old, in fact…instead of a little peanut inside me.  Our family has changed in what feels like monumental ways with the addition of our fourth child and we dealt with some heavy issues this go around.  Through it all, though, we have had each other and have relied on our friendship.

I had hoped to have the photo slideshow (set to our songs) done today to present, but seeing as I haven’t even loaded the pictures onto my laptop yet and it’s 8pm, I don’t think it’s going to happen.  I guess you’ll just have to keep coming back!  😉

While I was nursing the boys to sleep today, I listened to all the songs from our wedding day and relived the memories I hold so dear.  The one that really makes me well up is the song I walked in to:

The emotions of that moment are still quite palpable, even a year later.  I knew, as soon as the music started, a) that I was going to cry (which I did) and b) that I was walking towards a future I wanted.  I knew that our life together might not always be easy, but it would be ours and perfect for us.

I didn’t used to understand what all the fuss was about with weddings.  Really?  It’s just one day!  After experiencing my own “special day”, I get it.  Truly, it was (for me) magical, everything I could have hoped for…and then some.

Sometimes, when I find myself frustrated or angry with Mike, I remember that day.  It sustains me through the rough patches, reminding me of the pull towards him I feel, the love that moved me to tears.  I hope that everyone, at some point in their lives, has the opportunity to feel that.  And on that note, I leave you with one final picture:





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6 Months Later…

Well, okay, it’s technically seven months…but who’s counting?

I had so much fun with this blog, leading up to the wedding, and I hope to continue it…but to be honest, it will most likely be updated infrequently.  I have another blog that gets most of my attention and with a new baby coming, I can’t imagine I’ll even keep that one up.  However, if you stay subscribed or check back every now and then, you’ll see the occasional post. 🙂

About a month after we got married, Mike had “routine” shoulder surgery.  Easy in-and-out operation with minimal recovery time.  Yeah right.  What was supposed to be 6-8 weeks turned into 5 MONTHS!  Thank goodness for excellent benefits, which got us through with even a little to spare most months.

Now, we aren’t your traditional newlyweds, that’s true.  We lived together for about two years before tying the knot and we already had a family.  However, we certainly weren’t used to spending all day, every day together!  I think we did fairly well, for the most part.  The main sticking point was (and always has been) that I’m a get-up-and-go kind of gal and he’s a stay-at-home-in-my-cave kind of guy.  This works out quite nicely when he’s gone to work and I can galavant all day, then we come together in the evenings.  When he’s home all day…not so much.

However, a funny thing happened when he went back to work two weeks ago.  I missed him.  Even though we drove each other nuts when he was home and our “schedule” (stop laughing, those of you who know me well) was thrown off, it felt strange when he was no longer here with us, and not just because I’m nine months pregnant with a toddler to take care of.  We quickly reverted back to talking on the phone several times a day and, for me, looking forward to quitting time. 

I am quite happy with this realization and look forward to many more years of enjoying being in love with my husband!

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The Photographers Are Up and Running!

Many of you have asked about the photographs from the wedding, which were (in my humble opinion) absolutely beautiful and amazing.  I have tons of pictures that totally reflect the spirit and tone of the day, love and happiness.  These ladies captured it all!

They have both launced businesses in the past few months, and I want to give them a shout out.  If you’re looking for someone to do your wedding, holiday portraits, maternity or newborn shots, these are THE ladies to go to.  Check out their websites and see for yourself!

Karen Orozco is the eye behind the camera at Portraits and Paws Photography.  While a unique specialty of hers is capturing those special moments with your precious pets, she also excels in candids, family portraits, maternity and (coming soon) birth photography.  You can also find her on Facebook

Here are some of my favorite shots, courtesy of her:

Hope Nilges is the talented artist behind Sincerely Yours Photography.  She delights in weddings, special occasions and family portraiture.  All the ceremony photographs from my wedding are hers, so if you like one of those, please let her know.  Her portfolio is expanding at a fast pace, so be sure to also check her out on Facebook.

Here are some of my favorite shots by her:

Be sure to check out these ladies, I promise you won’t be disappointed! Oh and be sure to tell them Summer sent you. 🙂

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From the Mrs.

Well, it’s official…I’m a Mrs. instead of a Ms.

It was absolutely beautiful and perfect, everything I hoped for.  The weather was gorgeous, everyone helped pull each detail together, my family didn’t get too drunk, and the DJ dutifully stayed away from country music.  Truly, I could not have asked for anything better.

When the music I chose to walk in to, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, started playing and I realized that it was all really happening, the tears started flowing.  I cried the whole way down to Mike.  I saw many of my family members crying too and that was touching.  Mike told me it would be okay and I said “I know, that’s why I’m crying!”.  Standing there, of my own free will, committing to my love just made me so happy.   The look on his face told me everything I’d ever need to know. 

The actual ceremony took probably less than twenty minutes; we like to keep things short and sweet!  He loved my vows and I was incredibly touched by his, especially when he spoke to the children.  I don’t know if they understood the significance of that, but I hope they will someday.

What a magical day!  As “hippy-dippy” as it sounds, the energy was what really brought it.  Every single person there had a connection to one or both of us, an investment (of sorts) in our mutual happiness, and that feeling was palpable.  You could almost see the love.  Now that’s my kind of event!

For those of you who have been waiting with bated breath, here are the first few photos that the talented photographers have shared.  There will be many, many more but I wanted to give you a sneak peek.  Enjoy!

Getting ready to walk out




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Here We Go….

Not much time for blogging this morning, so just a few quick notes.

I totally picked a Whitney Houston song, “Exhale”, for my ladies to walk into.  If you had told me even a week ago that I would choose something by her, I would have laughed you out of the room.  It seems silly, somehow.  But, go listen to the words and you’ll know why I chose it.  It’s perfect for how I feel.

Watching the ladies practice walking in yesterday (sorry I made you do it so many times!), I welled up thinking about each of them and how special they are to me.  These are three of the coolest people EVER and they are my friends. 🙂 

T is so much fun, so full of life and ready to tackle new adventures all the time…which is good because her toddler is an adventure all by himself!  She has a natural grace that I sometimes forget about in the day-to-day lives of being mamas.  I saw it yesterday and I thought to myself how beautiful she was and how my life would so not be the same if she hadn’t been in it all these years. 

My thoughts for M centered on how delightfully happy I am that her baby-in-utero will be attending as well.  She glows with life and her belly is just perfect!  I remembered how we were when we were kids and I was so thankful that when we re-met as adults, we gave each other a chance.

K is a force to be reckoned with, and I love that about her.  She has this gorgeous dark hair that compliments her skin and somehow, she doesn’t realize how beautiful she is.  I thought about how I spent a few years not really knowing her and I can NOT believe I almost missed out on this fun lady.  She accepts everyone for who they are, and I know that I can lay it all out for her without judgment.  She pushes me to be better and to think outside the box.  She lets my kid pull everything out of her cabinet without complaining, too, which is a great skill for a friend to have. 😉

That’s all I have time for today folks!  Come back again for some pictures!

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Last night I decided I didn’t like the music I chose previously to use as a processional, so I have spent the morning listening to all types of songs trying to decide on the most fitting.  After much searching, I found what I think will be the perfect songs.  They say exactly what I want to say. 

On the menu for today is last-minute shopping for reception supplies.  Some things you just can’t buy ahead of time…like loaves of bread.  Next, we’ll spend a bit of time picking up the house (again) before family arrives from Illinois.  This afternoon, I get to pick up the dress to take to Grandma’s and try on one last time before the rehearsal. 

I’m not sure what I’m looking most forward to today, my dress, seeing my cousin, or eating fabulous food I didn’t have to cook!

I’ve also spent the morning tearing up (as usual) while trying to actually envision tomorrow.  It’s hard to articulate just how much doing this means to me.  It’s not about the pomp and circumstance, although I enjoy that thoroughly, or that the day is “all about us”, although I enjoy that too, it’s about the love that we feel for each other and want to share with everyone else.  It’s about the way I can’t imagine my life without him and how I don’t sleep as well until he’s next to me.  It’s about the family we’ve made together and will continue to grow, the friends we share our lives with.

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2! Oh My!

Today my cousin comes in from Florida!  In fact, his plane should have just landed…  I don’t want to wait to see him, but I’ll have to.  No time tonight!

I’m finally starting to get a little nervous.

I have three bridesmaids, all of whom I adore and want to lavish with tons of beautiful gifts.  However, since I am on a tight budget, they’re getting handmade items.  Now, since I am sooo crafty (I hope you’re catching the sarcasm there), these are going to be fabulous.  Seriously, though, they may not be the most beautiful things in the world, but they were made with each lady in mind and I think that counts for a lot.  I hope they like them.  I was going to put them on the tables for the reception, but I can’t wait that long, so I’m going to finish them up tonight and give them tomorrow.  That will be my evening task.

Mike’s evening task is to burn music for the ceremony.  T’s PA didn’t work with the speakers available to us and I wasn’t willing to spend money on renting some, so we’re going to try out our own stereo and hope for the best.  At this point, I am totally fine with no music….I just don’t want to have to do any more work!  Music is always nice though, so I hope it works out. 

 I can’t believe there are only two days left!  EEK!!

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Today my dad arrives from Florida, so Rolla beware!  Lucky for us, it’s starting to get a bit colder and the speedos probably didn’t make the trip with him. 😉

I finished sewing the satin ribbon flower on Leslee’s dress, which almost didn’t zip up!  I was about to frantically call the seamstress at Matilda’s Magic Needle (and she really IS magic!) for a last-minute alteration when we got it.  Whew!

Most of the items left on my list are food items for the reception, and those will have to wait until Friday, so I’m feeling pretty good about myself right now.  I made a list, checked it numerous times and have crossed items off as I’ve completed them.

Too bad weather control isn’t on my list!  The forecast keeps going back and forth between sun and rain.  To be frank, as long as it’s not raining from about 5-7pm, I’m good.  Otherwise, I’ll have to resort to the back up plan, which involves a big elk head and eww, nobody wants that.

I can’t wait to have my dress on again.  I’ve intentionally not tried it on more than absolutely necessary to keep it exciting and fresh for me.  In between fittings, I forget how fabulous I feel like I look in it.  Then I put it on and remember. 🙂

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4 Days and Counting…

I have done absolutely NOTHING wedding related today. 🙂

Our morning started off with Mike’s beloved XBox freezing up.  For those of you who didn’t read it previously, he was counting down the days/hours/minutes/seconds until the release of a new video game, much to my chagrin.  He got about an hour of playing time before the console hit the crapper this morning and our house instantly went into chaos mode.  A year ago, I might not have cared other than empathy for Mike.  Now, however, we all love the console.  It provides entertainment, learning, music and more….not to mention the Plants vs. Zombies game I’m currently addicted to.  Lucky for us, a friend who knows her stuff came over and spent the afternoon fixing it.  Thank goodness for M!!

We also had an appointment to settle what was either going to be a really good or really bad situation.  I am excited to say that it went in the really happy direction!  Sorry, though, no details until after the wedding (hey, I have to keep you reading somehow!).

That pretty much sums up my day.  Oh wait!  I did get a PA from T today, so I guess I did do something wedding related!

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Yikes!  That’s not very long! 

Today is another rest day, since tomorrow is pretty full.  I am busy trying to clean my house, which is perpetually dirty.  Well, it’s not really dirty…more like messy and cluttered.  Currently, there are TWO lollipops stuck to the carpet and a counter piled high with dishes!  I hate cleaning, so I prefer to wait until it’s awful and then revel in my awesome cleaning skills. 🙂

Anyway, nothing specifically wedding-related is going on today.  Tomorrow I hope to acquire a necessary component for having music at the ceremony.  If all goes well, we’ll have a walking-in-song and a stand-and-look-loving-at-each-other-song (although I’m sure Mike will roll his eyes at least once).  Otherwise, we’re nixing the music and having a shorter ceremony.  Either way, I’m happy.

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